What will we do with the news of Jesus?

Like Mary, we’ve been told something.

Entrusted with something.

And the question before us today, the same question that Mary faces is:

What will we do with this Jesus?

We actually do know the rest of the story.

That Jesus grew up.

Lived a sinless life.

Went to the cross like a lamb being led to the slaughter.

He took on the punishment for our sins.

He died a brutal death.

And three days later, he rose again.

Defeated death.

Once and for all.

Bridged the gap between us and God.

Made a way for us.

Did the impossible.

We all have a choice before us.

Here’s the invitation: What will you do with the news of this Jesus? Will you accept him? Make room for him in your heart? Believe the impossible?

Will you respond like Mary and say, “I am the Lord’s servant, let it be to me according to your Word.”




Celebrating the Mystery of the Trinity


Advent is not about how good we are.