A Vision for Renewal in the Church of Canada

Vision Builders is a growing community of The Way Church who are passionate about fueling a vision for renewal in the Church of Canada. The Vision Builders Community gathers, prays and gives generously above and beyond regular tithes and offering.

How do I become a Vision Builder?

Give to the Vision Builders Fund

Start investing now into the long-term vision for church multiplication in Canada by financially contributing to our Vision Builders Fund.

Attend a Vision Builders Gathering

Annually, we also host our Vision Builders Gathering which is a opportunity to hear more about the vision, connect with others, and understand what it looks like to be a part of the community.

Next Gathering: May 3, 2024

The Way 2030

When our church began as an idea a few years ago, it was clear that God called us to be a church with capacity and vision to multiply and to serve the church across Canada. This was the reason for the unique structure and team leadership model at the beginning of the church plant, and continues to be the focus as continue ministry in Vancouver and North Vancouver.

What follows are the 3 themes we feel called to as a church: Church Multiplication & Revitalization, Raising up the Next Generation of Leaders and Pastors, and Resourcing the Church in Canada.

Multiplication through Planting & Revitalization

Over the next decade, we have a strategy to multiply ministry here in Vancouver by launching new sites across Vancouver, planting churches and revitalizing existing churches.

Raising Up the Next Generation of Leaders

In order to continue to see vibrant ministry happen at The Way and across the church in Canada, it requires an intentional investment in leadership development. This will look different at various points along the journey, but it means creating programs that are primarily designed for leaders and pastors to be trained early and over a long period of time; all with the goal of equipping them for the unique challenges and opportunities of pastoral leadership and ministry.

Resourcing the Church in Canada

Our heart is to serve and resource pastors and churches across Canada, in order to see a healthy church for the next generation of Canadians. We do this through tangible ways like the Canadian Church Leaders Network, and also through the ministry and overflow of the work we do serving our local church.

This year…

In 2023/24 the goal is to raise $155,000 to fund the following projects.

Join us on May 3, 2024 to hear more about how these projects went and what we are investing in for next year.

Vision Builders Gathering 2024 →

2023/24 Project Details

  • Mount Pleasant Baptist Church is a historic congregation with a meaningful legacy of ministry spanning over one hundred years. In the last decades the congregation has experienced significant decline and is in need of revitalization. Brad and Katie Bruneski are part of The Way Church and they have felt led to replant Mount Pleasant and we are committed to supporting them by sending people and resources.

    If you’d like to learn more about this revitalization, visit thegardenchurch.ca.

  • The Way College is a 4-year accredited program designed to give students a comprehensive view of the Bible, a robust experience of Christian community, and opportunity to grow one’s leadership within local church ministry. In the fall we are launching year one of the program. Our goal is to have 15 students enrolled this fall.

  • We currently have three sites in three distinct parts of the city (Strathcona, West Point Grey, & North Vancouver). Currently we do not have the capacity to launch a fourth site. We do, however, hope to build toward the eventuality of another location. To do so requires expanding our pastoral team. The healthiest way to multiply sites and reach new neighbourhoods for The Way Church is through bringing someone on to our team with the goal of developing them as a future site pastor who carries our unique culture and DNA.

  • We have been given this amazing ministry space on the North Shore. As part of the on-going stewardship of the building, we hope to kick start the renovations that still need to be completed. The goal is that the North Vancouver site would be an outpost for significant ministry on the North Shore for years to come. The total cost of renovation will be approximately $200,000. We intend to raise this from the North Vancouver congregation. The $20,000 from Vision Builders is intended to launch the campaign and planning for the next phase. 

  • Each year, we bring on ministry apprentices to join our team for 9 months. Our vision is to take young ministers with a heart for pastoral work and develop them over a period of time. We accept apprentices from all across Canada, sometimes coming from other churches and then being sent back into their church ministry back home. These are all paid apprenticeships with a small stipend, and they serve in key staff roles on our time during their stay with us. 

  • The Canadian Church Leaders Network (CCLN) Emerging Leaders Lab is a cohort for young pastors who want to pursue a life-time of healthy and fruitful ministry. It is a 12-month pastoral formation environment that allows women and men to go beyond conferences and content into: abiding in Christ, refining their sense of calling, cultivating a community of peers, strengthening character, refining competencies and growing in their pastoral craft.

About the Vision Builders Fund

Each of these projects is over and above our regular giving as a local church. Investing into the Vision Builders fund allows us to support specific projects focused on multiplication and mission. If you feel called to give towards these projects, click the link below to give directly to the Vision Builders fund.

If you’d like to learn more or have any questions about giving or supporting the Vision Builders fund, please contact our Todd Lueck at todd@thewaychurch.ca.